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Could Coffee Reduce Cirrhosis Risk?
For many years, scientists and health experts have advocated over the health benefits of coffee. A new study, though, also suggests that drinking more coffee might help to reduce the type of liver damage commonly associated with overeating... More of this article »
Pollution Contributes to Weight Gain, In New Chinese Study
It is common knowledge that air pollution is bad for your health. Obviously, previous studies have linked pollution with various respiratory conditions and even cancer. However, researchers from Duke University are now saying that... More of this article »
President Obama Nixes Abstinence-Only Sexual Education Program Funding
US President Barack Obama has announced a proposal to eliminate federal funding for the Department of Health and Human Services’ abstinence-only education program. The proposal comes after several other budget cuts forced him... More of this article »
Study Says Loss-Incentives May Be More Effective Exercise Tool than Gain-Incentives
As the end of the year approached, people all over the United States started to form their New Year’s resolutions. Among all of the resolutions people make every year, improving health is usually in the top three. It is now... More of this article »
Could This New Discovery Be The Key to Alzheimer’s Prevention?
The baby boomer population is aging and as such many are confronting the risk for age-related diseases like dementia. Among the most common forms of dementia, of course is Alzheimer’s Disease. Fortunately, research into Alzheimer’s... More of this article »
Eggs Are Good For You- Again
It is no big secret that eggs are high[er] in cholesterol, which is why cardiologists used to recommend that patients with heart concerns should limit intake. New research, though, sheds more light on this, now suggesting that the... More of this article »
WHO Seeking $56 Million to Help Fight Zika, Hope of Vaccine Moves Forward
The World Health Organization or WHO has called for $56 million on Wednesday for its plan of combating the spreading Zika virus. The disease is quickly spreading and has been linked to birth defects in parts of Brazil and is now confirmed... More of this article »
Parmesan Cheese Might Not Be What Is Appears To Be
During the 1950s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration established its official parmesan cheese definition. According to that set of requirements, it cannot have over 32% moisture, while it also must maintain a granular texture, have... More of this article »
Unprecedented, But Premature Research Shows Great Promise in Cancer Therapy
Scientists at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle, WA have recently announced the results of several trials determining the efficacy of a new cancer treatment. This innovative new treatment... More of this article »
Binge-Watching TV: You Could Pay For It later
Not driving your car every day to go to the movies might help reduce your contribution to the carbon debt but a new study says that it might instead redirect that contribution to a different kind of debt. And while you are certainly... More of this article »
NYC Sued Over Salt Shaker Menu Labels
Can you sue an entire city? Well, apparently the National Restaurant Association believes that you can and they city they have chosen as their target is a Big one; literally, none other than the Big Apple: New York City. But maybe... More of this article »
Diabetes and Tooth Loss – What You Need to Know
Diabetics have a lot to worry about. Taking insulin every day, of course, tops the list. But even after a lifetime of compliance, diabetes carries with it many other health risks that can include poor blood flow that results in the... More of this article »
CDC Study Warns One in Five Children Have High Cholesterol
A new survey warns that at least one in five children in the United States have had at least one abnormal cholesterol measure. Indeed, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 21 percent of children and... More of this article »
Overweight Men Have DNA Which Makes Their Offspring Eat More
If your wife ever asks you if “does this dress make me look fat?” your answer should always be no; but you should also hold your tongue and resist the urge to say that it might be your daddy’s sperm. Seriously, all kidding aside,... More of this article »
Study Identifies Heart Disease In Ancient Embalmed Hearts
human heart – anatomy We know that heart disease is one of the major killers in the United States today but it turns out it also claimed quite a few lives even centuries ago. But that is not the odd part of this story. Indeed,... More of this article »
Raptor Pharmaceutical Announces Plans For Futher Development of Huntington’s Drug
Despite failing to show significant statistical results in a recent trial, Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp has announced it still plans to move forward on development of its brain disorder drug RP103. So far, the drug has been evaluated... More of this article »
Study: Heavy Visual Concentration Can lead to Temporary Deafness
It is pretty common knowledge that our five physical senses work together to help make better sense of the world. In fact, our sense combined with our imagination and memory are really the only tools we have to understand the world... More of this article »
Study Links Milk with Parkinson’s Risk
Milk splashing into glass An alarming new study seems to suggest that drinking milk could actually put you at risk for developing Parkinson’s disease. The study, which has been published in the industry journal Neurology, was originally... More of this article »