SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SABS) Short Interest Up 32.1% in August

SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SABSGet Free Report) was the target of a large increase in short interest in August. As of August 31st, there was short interest totalling 34,600 shares, an increase of 32.1% from the August 15th total of 26,200 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 9,400 shares, the days-to-cover ratio is presently 3.7 days. Approximately 0.5% of the shares of the stock are sold short.

SAB Biotherapeutics Stock Down 3.2 %

Shares of NASDAQ SABS traded down $0.09 during mid-day trading on Monday, reaching $2.70. 9,701 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 14,283. The firm has a 50-day moving average of $2.76 and a 200 day moving average of $3.50. SAB Biotherapeutics has a 1 year low of $2.16 and a 1 year high of $10.50. The company has a current ratio of 5.24, a quick ratio of 5.24 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.07.

SAB Biotherapeutics (NASDAQ:SABSGet Free Report) last released its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, August 8th. The company reported ($0.79) earnings per share for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimates of ($1.13) by $0.34. The business had revenue of $0.26 million for the quarter. SAB Biotherapeutics had a negative net margin of 1,450.14% and a negative return on equity of 94.04%. On average, equities analysts predict that SAB Biotherapeutics will post -3.59 EPS for the current fiscal year.

Analyst Ratings Changes

A number of equities analysts recently commented on the company. HC Wainwright reissued a “buy” rating and set a $6.00 price target on shares of SAB Biotherapeutics in a research note on Monday, August 12th. Chardan Capital restated a “buy” rating and issued a $25.00 price target on shares of SAB Biotherapeutics in a research report on Monday, September 9th. Oppenheimer reiterated an “outperform” rating and set a $12.00 price objective on shares of SAB Biotherapeutics in a research report on Thursday. Finally, Brookline Capital Management started coverage on shares of SAB Biotherapeutics in a report on Friday, June 7th. They issued a “buy” rating and a $8.00 target price on the stock. One research analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating and four have assigned a buy rating to the company’s stock. Based on data from, the stock currently has a consensus rating of “Moderate Buy” and an average target price of $12.75.

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Institutional Inflows and Outflows

Hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the business. First PREMIER Bank acquired a new stake in shares of SAB Biotherapeutics during the second quarter worth about $60,000. Commodore Capital LP acquired a new position in SAB Biotherapeutics in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $1,259,000. BVF Inc. IL acquired a new position in shares of SAB Biotherapeutics in the fourth quarter worth about $6,310,000. Finally, RTW Investments LP acquired a new position in SAB Biotherapeutics in the 4th quarter worth about $6,310,000. 7.82% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

About SAB Biotherapeutics

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SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the development of human polyclonal immunotherapeutic antibodies to address immune system disorders and infectious diseases. It has applied advanced genetic engineering and antibody science to develop transchromosomic bovine herds that produce fully human antibodies targeted at infectious diseases and immune and autoimmune disorders, including infectious diseases, influenza, CDI, type 1 diabetes, organ transplantation, and oncology, as well as immunology, gastroenterology, and respiratory diseases.

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